The world of COVID continues to move forward!
A few updates about COVID safety:
We are opening the waiting room for friends/family/caregivers onsite. Should one opt to wait onsite, social distancing and masking are required.
We have updated our health assessment questions to align with the CDC’s latest recommendations.
A few reminders:
All people onsite must provide proof of vaccination to be inside.
As you are boosted, please provide PB with your updated vaccination information.
We ask that caregivers/family/friends be on the therapy floor ONLY if/when their assistance is needed. Otherwise, please wait in the waiting area.
Masks must be worn at all times when inside Pushing Boundaries.
If you are notified of a possible exposure and are scheduled in the coming 5 days, please reach out ASAP to navigate the safest path forward.
For community safety, PB reserves the right to require a high-grade mask (which PB will provide) or prohibit access of a visitor, pending their health assessment.
As always, we are grateful to all of you as we strive for community safety.
